Once when I was in middle school, I bought a toasted almond ice cream bar at lunch and found a typo on the wrapper. Right there in bold type introducing the list of ingredients was the word “Cintains” instead of “Contains.”
I was horrified.
That such a mistake could have been released into the world by what otherwise appeared to be a reputable company baffled me. Wasn’t anyone tasked with making sure something like that didn’t happen? I wondered. Shouldn’t that be someone’s job?
I wanted to be that someone. I wanted that responsibility.
I was always That Kid who loved playing with words. I wrote stories that delved into the exciting world of talking chickens and then changed the words until each one was exactly right and they all fit together in a way that made them sing. It was important to me to tell an interesting story and to tell it in a way that respected the rules of grammar. It still is.
I believe writing is both an art and a science. Whether I’m creating the content or editing someone else’s words, I strive to achieve a healthy balance between the two. The end result is content that is equal parts compelling and clear.
Over the past 25 years, I’ve worked as a writer, a developmental editor, a copy editor, a proofreader, a designer, and a print production manager. I’ve collaborated with other writers, managing editors, graphic designers, copywriters, self-published authors, brand ambassadors, and entrepreneurs. Thanks to my robust and diverse experience, I’m able to combine the print publishing skills of a veteran journalist with the digital skills of a 21st century communicator.
Oh, and I’ve got some educational credentials, too:
- An M.F.A. in creative nonfiction writing.
- A postgraduate certificate in professional editing.
- A B.A. in English with a concentration in creative writing.
Do you want an article written for your magazine, newsletter, or website? Is your blog in need of content? Would you like a second set of eyes reviewing your website copy or newsletter? I’m here to help.

Fun Facts About Erin
- I share a birthday with Emily Dickinson.
- Being organized helps me sleep better. I have been known to color-code my vacation itineraries.
- Researching my family history makes me feel like an investigative reporter, a forensic detective, and a social historian all in one.
- My favorite author is Betty Smith of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn fame. Despite its simplicity, Smith’s prose evokes a strong emotional reaction.
- I’m a college basketball junkie and ran a former employer’s March Madness pool for 15 years after I left the company.