Editing Services

The editing process involves three separate stages: developmental editing, copy editing, and proofreading. (I like to think of them as the Holy Trinity of Editing.) I work with copy at any stage in the process to refine your message and eliminate errors. As an editor, I strive to maintain the brand’s or author’s voice while making the structural, organizational, and grammatical improvements needed to clarify the intended message. I approach every project with the same level of respect and attention to detail, regardless of the size and complexity.


Developmental Editing

Developmental editing is the first stage of the editing process. This editing round focuses on making big-picture improvements.

Has the author fully covered the topic? Is the content aligned with the target audience? Does the structure fit the message? Are the paragraphs organized in a way that tells a compelling story? Do the ideas flow easily from one to the next? These are the types of questions I’ll consider when making suggestions to enhance the readability of the piece.


Copy Editing

Copy editing involves making corrections at the sentence level. This step happens after the content and organization are finalized.

Whether you are drafting a one-paragraph email or a book-length manuscript, you lose credibility if your text lacks subject-verb agreement or contains misplaced modifiers. During the copy editing stage, I focus on things like grammar, punctuation, and spelling, and I fix any syntax errors that could compromise the reader’s experience. I’m proficient in AP style and Chicago style, and I’ll edit your content according to your style preference or help you choose which one better suits the piece.



Proofreading is the final stage of the editing process. It takes place right before your written content is deemed ready for printing or posting.

During this process, I am hyper-focused on the smallest details to ensure that the copy is error-free before being released to the world. For example, I’ll check to make sure the piece uses smart quotes instead of straight quotes and I’ll flag any formatting inconsistencies that may have popped up when the content went through design. I will also find and correct any typos, spelling mistakes, and grammatical errors that may have slipped through during copy editing and revision.

Do you need help transforming your content into engaging, polished copy that clearly conveys your message and resonates with readers? Contact me today to learn how I can enhance your content.